STREETATHON - Runner's Party 

The other highlighted event of "KERRY HONG KONG STREETATHON 2024" is the “STREETATHON - Runner's Party”, which is Hong Kong's first large-scale runners' party with the theme on carb-loading*. The party will provide various carbon foods to ensure that runners can properly fuel up before the race.
Meanwhile, runners from different places will gather at the party and providing an opportunity for them to exchange race experiences. During the party, not only runners’ appetites can be satisfied, but also the way to getting support and encouragement from each other.

*Note: Carb-loading refers to replenishing the body with carbohydrates, which can increase the energy and strength of muscles.


Event Date:         7/12/2024 (Sat)
Event Location:  Ruby Tuesday (MegaBox, Kowloon Bay)
Event Time:        3:00pm to 6:30pm
Event Fee:           12 years old or above : HK$280
                             11 years old or below : HK$140
Event Quota:     300 people


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